This International Women’s Day, 8 March 2024, we are joining the United Nations in celebrating under the theme Invest in women: Accelerate progress.
As per UN projections, if current trends persist, over 342 million women and girls could be ensnared in extreme poverty by 2030. To safeguard women’s rights and priorities, the focus of governments should be in prioritizing gender-sensitive funding and bolster public investment in essential services and social safety nets. Additionally, policymakers must recognize and account for the indispensable roles women play in economies worldwide, both in paid and unpaid caregiving. By directing resources towards women, we catalyze transformative change and expedite the journey towards a healthier, safer, and more egalitarian global society.

Investing in women and championing gender equality doesn’t just promise a brighter future; it unlocks a world where every individual can flourish, offering boundless opportunities and empowerment for all.
WiCS: Women in Computer Science
At EUPILOT, today we are putting spotlight on WiCS: Women in Computer Science, an initiative within Barcelona Supercomputing Center, driven by researchers and staff from the Operations and Computer Science departments, whose member is EUPILOT’s researcher Marta Garcia. The WiCS initiative is aimed at building an internal and external network of support to encourage and promote women in Computer Science and High-Performance Computing.

WiCS objectives:
- Attract more female talent to Computer Sciences and Operations departments.
- Give visibility to women and their work/research at Computer Sciences and Operations.
- Empower and support women in Computer Sciences and Operations departments.
- Coordinate the actions done in Computer Sciences and Operations departments related to gender equality.
- Be the contact point between the Equality Committee, the Equity Officer at BSC, and the Computer Sciences/Operations departments.