The EUPILOT is at ISC High Performance 2023 in Hamburg, Germany, from May 21 – 25, where we are delighted to share booth number A103 with our sister projects to the European Processor Initiative (EPI) and EUPEX.

EuPilot will be at the event sharing a booth with our sister project European Processor Initiative European Processor Iniciative (EPI) and EUPEX.
About ISC2023
The Event for High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Data Analytics & Quantum Computing
ISC High Performance 2023 is an international conference and exhibition that fosters the growth of a global HPC community of technology providers and users. This growing community now includes machine learning, data analytics, and quantum computing practitioners. The first ISC conference was held in 1986.
At this annual forum, the community comes together to exchange visions, ideas, and knowledge and dare each other to imagine a better tomorrow. ISC 2023 will be held from May 21 – 25 in Hamburg, Germany, and expects over 3,000 international attendees.