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RISC-V Summit Europe 2024: Advancing Technology and Celebrating Innovation

Date: 5 July 2024
BSC booth at RISC-V Summit Europe

The RISC-V Summit Europe took place from Monday, June 24th to Friday, June 28th, 2024. The conference aimed to provide attendees with insights into both commercial and research applications of RISC-V technology.

As part of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center’s (BSC) initiative to advance RISC-V technologies, EUPILOT participated in the event. Visitors could learn more about the project by visiting the BSC booth and accessing the “European Technology: BSC RISC-V Technologies Catalogue,” available for download.

European Technology: BSC RISC-V Technologies Catalogue

In celebration of International Women in Engineering Day on June 23, the RISC-V Summit Europe highlighted some of the remarkable women contributing to the RISC-V community. Dr. Alexandra Kourfali, Programme Manager for Research and Innovation at EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and Project Officer of EUPILOT, participated in the panel discussion “How can Europe engage more in RISC-V?”. The panel examined Europe’s opportunities and challenges in adopting RISC-V and discussed strategies to encourage widespread adoption across the region. Panelists shared their perspectives on how Europe can strategically embrace RISC-V to drive innovation and competitiveness.

With numerous visitors and engaging sessions, the event was a great success! Learn more about RISC-V and upcoming events here.

In case you missed this year’s RISC-V Summit Europe, watch all the talks at their YouTube channel!