The European PILOT will deliver the first All-European open source and open standard based software and hardware integrated HPC system by creating an autonomous set of accelerators designed, implemented, manufactured, and deployed in Europe.
Extend open source to include opensource hardware for HPC
Software/hardware co-design forimproved application performance andsystem energy efficiency
HPC and HPDA applications
System software
System integration innovations
Stimulate European collaboration
Combine industry standard methodology and cutting-edge research to accelerate exploitation
Latest News

EuPilot becomes part of the ETP4HPC Handbook
EuPilot project is now part of the ETP4HPC Handbook. This tool allows users to find many features...

The OSHEAN (Open Source Hardware European Alliances Network) workshop aims to develop a European...

EuPilot start its activities
Launched on December 2021, the European project called The European PILOT (Pilot using Independent, Local & Open Technology) aims to deliver an all-European open source and open standard based software and hardware integrated system.

Teratec 2022 Forum
EUPILOT is on the Teratec 2022 Forum held in Ecole Polytechnique in France on June 14th. Our...

IPDPS 2022
Our colleagues Niels Gleinig, Maciej Besta, and Torsten Hoefler from ETH Zurich are at...

ISC 2022
The EUPILOT is on the ISC22 in Hamburg from May 30 to June 2, sharing a booth with EPI and EUPEX...
Publication Highlights