“Contributing to a sustainable exascale HPC supply ecosystem in Europe and ensuring European technological autonomy in this field”

Software/hardware co-design for improved application performance and system energy efficiency

The European PILOT will deliver the first All-European open source and open standard based software and hardware integrated HPC system by creating an autonomous set of accelerators designed, implemented, manufactured, and deployed in Europe.


  • Extend open source to include opensource hardware for HPC

  • Software/hardware co-design forimproved application performance andsystem energy efficiency

  • HPC and HPDA applications

  • System software

  • System integration innovations

  • Stimulate European collaboration

  • Combine industry standard methodology and cutting-edge research to accelerate exploitation

Latest News


EuPilot at RISC-V Summit 2022

EuPilot at RISC-V Summit 2022

Our project collaborator, John Davis from BSC, presented the talk titled “Is RISC-V HPC? RISC-V is HPC!“ during the RISC-V Summit 2022.



Our collaborators Bruno Casella, Roberto Esposito, Carlo Cavazzoni and Marco Aldinucci from CINI...

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Publication Highlights